RFL2024 Русский Рус | English Eng
August 19-25, 2024
                   Novosibirsk, Academgorodok
Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FORC)
Institute of Automation and Electrometry (IA&E SB RAS)
Novosibirsk State University
Russian Science Foundation
Quantum Electronics
Applied Photonics
«Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing».

The international workshop is a scientific forum aimed at presenting the latest achievements and exchanging opinions between scientists working in the field of fiber lasers in leading foreign and Russian research, technological and educational centers. The workshop is being held for the eleventh time: in 2007, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and in 2022 it was held in Novosibirsk, in 2008 - Saratov, in 2009 - in Ufa and in 2010 - in Ulyanovsk. In 2024, the workshop will again be held at the Novosibirsk Academgorodok - from Aurust 19 to 25.
Registration Summary submission by
June 15

Workshop topics:

1. New media, schemes, and modes of generating fiber lasers.
2. Pulsed fiber and hybrid lasers, powerful and ultrashort pulses.
3. Nonlinear frequency conversion of FL radiation: SRS, SBS, parametric generation, harmonics generation, terahertz radiation generation.
4. Multimode and multicore fiber lasers and systems..
5. Applications of fiber lasers: communication, sensors, biomedicine, processing and photomodification of materials. Information optical technologies.
6. Laser optics and components: optical fibers, fiber and hybrid resonator elements, interferometers, diffractive and integrated optics.
7. Photonic integrated circuits. Nanophotonics and metamaterials.

and other issues of physics, technology, and applications of fiber lasers, systems, and components.

Together with the workshop will be held:

1. International School of Young Scientists "Nonlinear Photonics 2024".

2. Joint session with industrial partners.

3. Informal socializing on the shore of the Sea of Ob (August 24, weather permitting).

Pre-registration and Summary submission:

Invited (30 min.), Oral (20 min.) and poster presentations are planned.

To be included in the conference participants list, you must first register and then submit the Summary of the presentation through the workshop website https://rfl24.iae.nsk.su/ .

Deadline for Summary submission is June 15.

The working languages of the workshop are Russian and English.

The conference program will be posted on the workshop website and published in print. The materials of the workshop will be published in the journals «Quantum Electronics», «Applied Photonics», “Photonics” and “Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing”

1 July 2024.
Dear participants and guests of the workshop, the preliminary program of the workshop has been formed. You can familiarize yourself with the program at the link Download (PDF, ENG).
June 11, 2024.
The organizing committee reminds you that the deadline for submitting abstracts is June 15, 2024 and asks you to send a file formatted according to the sample to the workshop e-mail: rfl24@iae.nsk.su. The template is available in the "Registration" section.
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